The 10 highest, lowest-paying metro areas for physicians


While orthopedic surgeons earn an average of $654,815 in 2024, that number can vary widely based on the area of employment, according to Doximity's 2024 "Physician Compensation Report," published May 23. 

Doximity determined the highest and lowest-paid metropolitan areas for physicians by reviewing compensation rates adjusted for the total cost of living across metro areas. 

The 10 highest-paying locations for physicians: 

1. St. Louis

2. Louisville, Ky. 

3. Oklahoma City

4. Memphis, Tenn. 

5. Charlotte, N.C. 

6. Las Vegas

7. Indianapolis

8. Milwaukee

9. Jacksonville, Fla. 

10. New Orleans

The 10 lowest-paying locations for physicians: 

1. Washington, D.C. 

2. Boston 

3. Denver 

4. Seattle 

5. New York City 

6. Portland, Ore. 

7. San Francisco

8. Baltimore

9. Providence, R.I. 

10. San Diego

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