Tallahassee (Fla.) Orthopedic Clinic has broken ground on its Spine and Joint Replacement Surgical Center of Excellence, The Tallahassee Democrat reported Nov. 13.
The facility in Tallahassee will be 17,000 square feet and is modeled after a hospital environment, the report said. It will have four operating rooms and private recovery rooms with private bathrooms.
The new center aims to be a "relief valve" for hospitals, TOC's CEO, Michael Boblitz, said in the report.
"We're just growing a lot but one of the things we're really trying to work on is constantly improving access to care," he said in the report. "If you pay attention to the news, hospitals are just constantly overcrowded with patients and the hospital's job is to focus on the acute and complex care and critically ill. They're just running out of space."
Construction is expected to take about 12 months.