A new study published in the Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine examines the role of BMP use during spinal deformity cases.
The study is a retrospective review of 200 patients who underwent adult spinal deformity surgery at the same center. The researchers collected data for 12 months after surgery, and BMP was used in 65 percent of the cases.
Study authors found:
1. Overall, 15 patients had revision procedures for pseudarthrosis, and BMP was associated with 11 percent absolute risk reduction in reoperation rate.
2. Among patients who underwent surgery with BMP, there wasn't a significant difference in the reoperation rate based on patient factors, including:
• Age
• Sex
• Instrumented vertebra number
• Number of levels fused
3. BMP was the single factor the researchers examined that was associated with revision surgery for pseudarthrosis.
4. The average cost of primary surgery was $87,653, the average cost of revision surgery was $52,153 and the direct cost of BMP was $10,444.
5. After examining all costs, the researchers found just reducing the cost of BMP resulted in costs savings for this patient set, per 100 patients. The estimated price point for BMP to be cost-neutral was $5,663.
However, the study authors mentioned in the conclusion that their findings "likely underestimate the true value of BMP when considering the savings associated with reductions in rehabilitation, therapy, medication and additional outpatient costs."